Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Life's a Drag- the failed attempt at the beginning of something beautiful

Alright, kiddies, where to begin? My project is very much unfinished. What I have down are the final layouts and pencils for the first two pages and a half-way complete final page showing my drag queen super-heroine, the Disastrous Darlene Dynamite (she'll blow your mind), in all of her explosive glory. This thing started out troubled. As I stated in my first update, It took me a while to come up with an idea I wanted to stick with and once I finally did, it was a little late in the game. I then spent more time than I should have coming up with Miss Dynamite. You see, I thoroughly enjoy character development, thus I didn't really start drawing until I had a good idea of this character's look and what she is about. So, once I had that firmly in mind, I barricaded myself within the world of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Little Mermaid, The Crow, the fantastic shows Invader Zim and Aeon Flux (Darlene's costume is directly influenced) and even the Silence of the Lambs- all of which influenced this terrible creations...um...creation.

In the end, I never recovered from the time it took for the character development, and I was plagued with behinded-ness for the rest of the given time as the end of semester goodness started to pile up. I also spent a very large amount of time on the last page, the crown jewel of the comic I attempted, and I am happy with where it's heading. SO I TRIED DAMMIT! Don't get me wrong, dearest reader, this is by no means an excuse for my project's unfinished state, just me contemplating my *sigh* inability to finish. From what I did complete, I tried to use the design elements picked up in class. For example, Darlene's suit is made of complementary colors. I do plan on completing this thing, especially the last page. There are some color combinations I want to experiment with, and am very excited to see where Darlene Dynamite goes.

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