The first page is sketches and a thumbnail version of the first page, the second and third are the drawings for a few panels, and the last is the final drawing, sans color and inks. Honestly the last drawing is what I started out doing first. It began as a character sketch for the short, short strips protagonist, but I loved the little drawing so much that I decided to make it into something much bigger.
So I finished that part, which took a long while, as I love to nitpick and make sure proportions are relatively…well…proportional and spend a lot of time making sure it carries a certain style. Then I began work with thumbnails and sketches in general. The little thumbnail layout you see below is what the finished first page will look like, albeit much more fleshed out. All that’s left to do with the finished drawings is import them into photoshop or illustrator and add color and text bubbles. The layout for the second page is working it’s way out of my head, but it still needs some more time devoted to thinking. I have the rest of the week off after today, so I plan to kick this thing’s ass right out of the water. Until we meet again, I bid you sweet adieu.