Thursday, February 26, 2009

here is zee final logo

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the best logo I could cook up for the Brookville Bees. When I first started to sketch these suckers out, I was going for a semi-militaristic feel to them- almost like something you would see on a flag. My first design was the very square looking bee in the lower left corner of the original four. I liked it, but then felt that it looked too much like something one might see on a building block- it was very boring, and while that is an accurate adjective to describe my high school, I wanted something more exciting. I then tried to adapt the original design of the Brookville Bee, with the initials "BHS" into my design. This lead to a more organic and fun shape to my logo, but I still wanted to lean more towards something more stylized.
I was still milking the idea of using a religious symbol, so I thought to toy with the stereotypical opposite of what my predominately conservative, Baptist high school stood for- of course I went for the somewhat-less-than-subtle Pentagram. For this design I made the Bee more angular, and a tad more sinister. While I thouroughly enjoyed the sense of irony attached to the design, I once again went in another direction. Along with a Pentagram and a Star of David sketches that showed up in my first ideas, the image of a Yin Yang and the Rising Sun came into my head. This lead to a combination of my second, more organic Bee and the idea of using pseudo-religious imagery.
Despite my original idea to take a stab at the overall conservative feel of my high school (Jerry Falwell went there, for goodness sakes), I'm glad I went with the Yin Yang theme because Brookville is relativelly well-rounded and balanced when it comes to academics. At first I was going to add rays jutting from the circle, like Japan's Rising Sun, but this made it too busy and clunky. I think this design is an improvement on the original in that it is much more sleek and stylish. It would also look pretty nice on school merch, if I do say so myself.


  1. While I thoroughly enjoy your chosen design, I'm still not sure which I would pick as my favorite! I really believe all of your four logos could easily be the "winning" design. It is very apparent that there was a lot of idealistic thought put into each design and your representation of why you chose this one as your favorite was addressed clearly. I could certainly see the two most similar logos you have (both enclosed in the circle) simultaneously used as the school's logo depending on it's particular use (letterhead, sports emblem, etc).

  2. this is a great logo! i love the artistic quality to this work. the colors are very effective and the actual image is beautiful. this is definitely something i think a school would love to represent them. the off set bee looks strong because it is not centered and the movement of it directly corresponds with the background. i love that the wings are coming out if the image borders as well. over all, awesome job!
